Nordisk Forum
for Co-financing of Documentaries
Bergen, Norway, 26-28 September 2010

In 2010, Nordisk Forum took place in Bergen, Norway during three days, 26-28 September. 211 professionals from 13 different countries attended the event.
Producers Meet Producers & UK Delegation
Nordisk Forum kicked off one day earlier than usual with the brand new networking event Producers Meet Producers. This initiative gave 21 producers the chance to present themselves and their ambitions to each other. The presentations were followed by an afternoon of speed dating designed to facilitate the efforts to find suitable co-production partners and form the bonds necessary to access funds across borders. A panel offered insight into the Nordic film institutes' rules and requirements.
To facilitate connections outside the Nordic countries, the event welcomed a small delegation of UK production companies. Besides introducing themselves, the delegation members outlined the UK production landscape. The UK delegation was arranged in co-operation with Sheffield Doc/Fest, Charlie Phillips, and also welcomed a commissioning editor from BBC to the pitching and meeting tables. The participating UK producers were invited to apply for pitching on equal terms with their Nordic colleagues, and two UK projects were selected.
Pitching and Meetings
In addition to the 22 regular pitches, Nordisk Forum presented the Nordic Wildcards to boost the element of innovation and surprise. One project from each of the five Nordic countries was brought to our attention by the documentary consultants at the Nordic film institutes because of their novel qualities. The filmmakers and their projects all had a most positive response from the Forum attendees. On top of these pitches, the Moderator's Hat gave an observing producer the opportunity to pitch a new project on the spot. The pitching sessions were moderated by Cecilia Lidin, Head of Office at European Documentary Network (Denmark), and Ulla Simonen, freelance producer (Finland). In the afternoons, time was set aside for individual meetings - totaling 382, arranged by the Nordisk Forum Staff.
Nordisk Forum Online
In 2010 Nordisk Forum Online once again featured financier and distributor profiles, project info, film excerpts and the meeting booking system. NF Online opened four weeks before the actual forum, giving delegates a chance to prepare before the event.
Financiers and Distributors
Besides 36 Nordic and international financiers, 1 international key expert and 6 international key distributors and sales agents were available during the two days, sharing their knowledge about the film and television market, giving advice about a projects’ potential in terms of distribution. They all introduced themselves to the accredited Nordisk Panorama participants the night before the forum.