Nordisk Forum
for Co-financing of Documentaries
Oulu, Finland, 24-25 September 2007

In 2007, Nordisk Forum took place in Oulu, Finland
during two full days, 24-25 September. 188 professionals
from 13 different countries attended the event.
23 projects were pitched during
the morning sessions, moderated by
Bo-Erik Gyberg, Chairman of the Swedish Film Alliance and Head of the Design and Crafts School in Stockholm,
Cecilia Lidin, Film Consultant at European Documentary Network, Paul Pauwels, Project Manager of the European Television Management Academy.
In the afternoons, time was set aside for
individual meetings with the financiers. A total of 177 meetings were
booked by the Filmkontakt Nord Staff.
Nordisk Forum Online
Last year we introduced this unique platform, offering attending
financiers the opportunity to preview the Nordisk Forum projects online
and see short trailer excerpts. This year we developed the site
further, now offering producers and observers a chance to see profiles
of the attending commissioning editors and film consultants and in
addition an opportunity to request meetings.
41 projects were presented on NF Online.
Jan Röfekamp, distributor from Films Transit, Canada shared his vast knowledge and experience at the packed Nordisk Forum Seminar: The Ever-evolving Documentary Market Place. Furthermore, Jan Röfekamp was available for One-on-One meetings during the two afternoons.