Nordisk Forum
for Co-financing of Documentaries
Malmö, Sweden, 29-30 September 2008

In 2008, Nordisk Forum took place in Malmö, Sweden
during two full days, 29-30 September.
215 professionals
from 18 different countries attended the event.
Pitching and Meetings
In addition to the 22 regular pitches, Monday featured a New Talent Pitch and Tuesday gave room for the Moderator's Hat, giving an observing producer the opportunity to pitch a new project on the spot. The pitching sessions were moderated by
Cecilia Lidin, Film Consultant at European Documentary Network, Ulla Simonen, producer, and Jan Röfekamp, distributor.
In the afternoons, time was set aside for
individual meetings - totaling 230,
booked by the Nordisk Forum Staff.
Nordisk Forum Online
This year, we further developed the digital arm of the event, Nordisk Forum Online, featuring financier and distributor profiles, project info, film excerpts and clips and in addition a meeting booking system. NF Online opened two weeks before the physical Forum, giving all delegates a chance to prepare before the event.
Financiers and Distributors
Besides 42 Nordic and international financiers, 6 international key distributors were available during the two days, sharing their knowledge about the film and television market, giving advice about a project's potential in terms of distribution.