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Transmedia Meet-Up

Transmedia meet-up logo

Friday 19 September 2014, Inkonst Malmö

Nordisk Panorama invites artists, filmmakers, designers and game developers to a meet-up on the future of storytelling and experience design, with peer to peer learning and networking.

Transmedia storytelling is all about using digital platforms to create experiences and engage audiences, and we give you a unique opportunity to present your work as well, to get feedback from colleagues across industries.

Participation is free, but seats are limited, so remember to register at

If you'd like to host a session in the unconference track, please send us a note at


Immersive journalism
The meet-up is proud to present Peggy Weil as the headliner, speaking about Immersive Journalism and using public spaces for interactive projects and big data visualisation. Peggy is the founder of Heads Up, an international competition challenging designers to visualise critical global issues, renowned for the interactive animation of the world’s ground water level on Times Square.

Peggy is a digital media artist and designer. As a member of the Architecture Machine Group (Now the M.I.T. Media Lab) from 1980-83, she worked on pioneering interactive projects in design and telepresence, going on to create titles for The Voyager Company, Broderbund, Electronic Arts, Von Holzbrinck and Ravensberger Interactive. Among her many works are Gone Gitmo, a virtual installation of Guantánamo Prison, Wall Jumpers, a global visualisation of political separation barriers and the IPSRESS Project, an experiment in immersive journalism.

In addition to Peggy’s talk, we’ll be featuring Nordic immersive projects at the meet-up. BoostHbg, Skånes regional hub for story and business development in innovative media and film, will bring their Occulus Rift - the Virtual Reality headset for 3D gaming – to give you a chance to try it out for yourself.

Unconference sessions
Learning from each other is the focus of the meet-up, and we’ll feature projects of many genres from different parts of the world.

•    Andrea Hasselager and Nevin Eronde, Danish founders of Game Girl Workshop will talk about their work on giving Palestinian girls a voice through game development.

•    Malmö-based illustrator and filmmaker Pernilla Lonhage will share her experiences crowdsourcing her hand animated embroidery short, “Le jardin des pensées”.

•    Most importantly: The Unconference is featuring you! If you have a suggestion for a project presentation, best practice session or discussion, contact us at We’ll try to give everyone a space.

The meet-up program ends at 17:30. All registered participants of the meet-up are invited to attend the opening of Nordisk Panorama at 18:30 (Information about tickets will be sent to participants registered at

More information to come!

Find the full 2013 programme here