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FkN Newsletter

June 2013

Nordisk Panorama News

Catch the Early Bird to Nordisk Panorama

Now is the time to register for the 24th edition of Nordisk Panorama, 20-25 September 2013 with Malmö, Sweden, as its home. Nordisk Panorama gathers the Nordic short and documentary community for a 5-day feast comprising quality films, seminars, workshops, great parties and not least the industry events Nordisk Panorama Market and Nordisk Forum for Co-financing of Documentaries.

The selection of films for this year's Nordisk Panorama is taking place as we speak in all the Nordic countries and will be announced later this summer. Stay tuned to see which films will be selected.

The registration for Nordisk Panorama is open. Register before 15 August to get the early bird discount and join the prominent community of international and Nordic short and documentary representatives attending the festival. The early bird fee is 795 DKK (107 €). The fee for students is 575 DKK (77 €).

To get all festival news first, like Nordisk Panorama on Facebook and join the Facebook group Nordisk Panorama - for film professionals.

Submit Your Film to Nordisk Panorama Market

It is time to submit your brand new short and documentary films to Nordisk Panorama Market! Nordisk Panorama Market is the only place that offers a comprehensive overview of Nordic short and documentary film production, from films completed in the past year to titles in the pipeline.

The market films are presented to international buyers, distributors and programmers during the event at the market screening facilities, and selected films will be presented in curated closed market screenings. Furthermore, all market films will be available to buyers, distributors and programmers at our password-protected streaming service Nordisk Panorama Market Online all year round.

Submitting your film to the market gives your film and you unique access to the international professionals in place through pre-booked one-to-one meetings. A paid film in the market will give a key person from the film a discount on the Nordisk Panorama accreditation.

Deadline for submission of films completed in 2013 is 1 August. Click here for regulations and online submission.

87 Projects Submitted for the 20th Edition of Nordisk Forum

The deadline for submissions to Nordisk Forum for Co-financing of Documentaries has come and gone and for the 20th anniversary of Nordisk Forum we have received a steady number of 87 eligible projects.

The projects have been submitted by producers from the Nordic and Baltic countries: 17 from Denmark, 2 from Estonia, 9 from Finland, 6 from Iceland, 1 from Latvia, 1 from Lithuania, 16 from Norway, 29 from Sweden and finally 6 projects from this year's guest country, the Netherlands. 79 applied to pitch whereas 69 applied for observer+ status, giving access to individual meetings with decision-makers.

The selection process is now in progress and the selected projects will be announced mid July.

If you want to participate in Nordisk Forum, don't forget to sign up for a forum accreditation by the deadline 1 August. The 20th Nordisk Forum takes place in Malmö, Sweden, 22-24 September during Nordisk Panorama and the forum accreditation includes access to the festival.

Can You Hack It? Call for NP Hackathon - Participants & Projects

Do you want to explore the new possibilities of transmedia, gain more knowledge within the digital field of non-fiction storytelling and get to know Nordic filmmakers, artists, designers and creative people? Then you should apply for Nordisk Panorama Hackathon 2013.

NP Hackathon is a platform for taking non-fiction storytelling into the digital age, connecting filmmakers, artists and creators of digital content across the Nordic countries.

Nordisk Panorama invites filmmakers, transmedia producers and digital developers/designers to submit a proposal for a non-fiction project that they would like to develop during the Hackathon. Up to six projects will be selected and matched prior to the event. Each team (maximum three persons/team) has about thirty hours to "hack" - i.e. build a working prototype for their project. There will also be a group of design and digital developing experts present to assist you with their knowledge.

The theme for this year's NP Hackathon is "social issues".

NP Hackathon is free of charge for participants and includes a free accreditation for Nordisk Panorama Festival. Participants are required to bring their own computers, software and harddrives. NP Hackathon will provide workspace, food and a place to sleep if needed. For more information and application, please check out the website.

Student & Teacher Meet-Up at Nordisk Panorama 2013

Nordisk Panorama continues its successful Student & Teacher Meet-Up in Malmö during this year's festival. By engaging the filmmakers of tomorrow the event aims to strengthen networking between students and collaboration within film schools in the Nordic countries and beyond.

The event is hosted by Nordisk Panorama and Malmö University. For participation info and guidelines regarding film submission for the student screening, please contact Festival Coordinator Maria Stoianova,

Meet the Dutch Delegation at Nordisk Forum
This year, Nordisk Forum welcomes a specially invited delegation of Dutch producers to facilitate connections outside the Nordic countries.

The Dutch producers will participate in the networking event Producers Meet Producers, where they will outline their production landscape and present themselves. Furthermore, the Dutch delegation has been invited to apply for pitching and meetings on the same terms as their Nordic colleagues. A maximum of 2 foreign delegation projects can be selected for pitching and they also have the possibility of being selected as observer+.

In addition, we will welcome a number of Dutch commissioning editors and sales agents to the pitching and meeting tables.

The Dutch delegation is arranged in co-operation with The Netherlands Film Fund, Pieter Fleury.

Find Co-Production Partners at Producers Meet Producers
Nordisk Forum will kick off with the popular networking event Producers Meet Producers Sunday 22 September, featuring in-depth networking, co-production case studies, a Dutch delegation and round table discussions. This is a perfect place to find suitable co-production partners and form the bonds necessary to access funds across borders.

Producers can sign up for the event when registering for accreditation to Nordisk Forum as either pitch teams, observers+ or observers before 1 August. Seats are limited and producers are asked to fill in a motivation for participation in the event when registering.

FkN News

Summertime at Filmkontakt Nord
The FkN office is closed 13-28 July. We wish you all a great summer!


Congratulations to the FkN / Manymade Projects who Reached their Crowdfunding Goals
The Filmkontakt Nord / Manymade crowdfunding campaigns have now come to an end and we're happy to say that two out of three projects hit their goals with successful campaigns. We're looking forward to following the projects and not least seeing these cool films. Check out the successful crowdfunding campaigns here:

The Accidental Rock Star by Igor Devold, Producer: Ingvil Giske, Medieoperatørene, Norway
Escaping Sunshine by Allan van O.T. Andersen, Producer: Rasa Miskinyte, Era Film, Lithuania/Denmark

The two projects will be profiled in a session during Nordisk Panorama in Malmö focusing on crowdfunding in general and how to conduct a successful campaign in particular. Stay tuned for more information.

FkN at Odense International Film Festival
Market Manager Jing Haase will be at Odense International Film Festival 27-30 August. She will be watching Danish short films and meeting with the Danish and international short film community.
To set up a meeting with Jing, send her an email or contact her at +45 3132 0212.

New Nordic and International Initiatives

New DOK Leipzig Award: The AnimaDoc Dove

The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, DOK Leipzig, is presenting a new award honoring and acknowledging the hybrid film form of animated documentary.

The prize, the Golden AnimaDoc Dove of 3,000 €, will be awarded to a film that enhances new cinematic qualities by merging and combining elements from both documentary and animated filmmaking.

The prize seeks to encapsulate the festival's commitment to both documentaries and animated films, emphasizing films that are: "imaginative, creative and artistically independent".

The nominees for the Golden Dove will be selected from the official list of film entries for animated and documentary film by the Selection Committee, meaning that the nominated films may be featured across sections in one of the other five competitions, as well as in the International or the Animadoc programmes. A jury representing both genres will select the winner.

DOK Leipzig accepts film submissions until 10 July, 2013. More information can be found on DOK Leipzig's website.

New Nordic Festival For Digitally Distributed Films

Now digitally distributed films have their own festival and space in the public sphere. The Nordic Creative Commons Film Festival is the first festival organized in the Nordic region for films created and distributed under Creative Commons licenses.

The most outstanding and pioneering films from all over the world will be screened over the northern region the first week of September 2013. In addition, a series of inspirational seminars will be held to open up a debate over alternative ways of production, funding and distribution in the digital realm.

The festival concept is based on participation and transparency, where the audience becomes the main organizers with the website and social networks as connecting node.

Creative Commons provides legal tools for creators who want to distribute their work digitally, making it possible to display films under open licenses in cinemas and public spaces.

Through the festival app (launched soon) anyone can choose a film from the programme to screen and create their own event. A Nordic network of local ambassadors and organizers will create temporary cinemas at their homes and in other unexpected places. Anyone with an audience of at least 5 people and technical equipment for screening can become a "festival host".

If you have a film to screen or want to host an event, read more at

European Audiovisual Industry Exempt from Negotiations of EU-US Trade Agreement

Since the preparations for the negotiations of a new trade agreement between EU and US were announced, many people within the audiovisual industry have been expressing their concerns about the possible consequences of not keeping the status of cultural exception.

One of the main concerns of a new trade agreement that includes the audiovisual sector is the possible implication it may cause in the development of new funding and eligibility rules.

The European Parliament treated this matter on 23 May, where a resolution was voted in favour of addressing European Commissioner Karel de Gucht with a request of maintaining the status of cultural exception by not including the audiovisual sector in the negotiations of the new trade agreement.

Following this, the European Commissioners settled an agreement about the negotiation mandate on 14 June, excluding the audiovisual industry from the upcoming negotiations, thus keeping the current status of cultural exception.

The European delegation is now ready to enter the negotiations with the US.