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New Nordic Voices

14 films competing for the New Nordic Voices Award


69 by Nikolaj Viborg
Attention Kasimir by David Metz
manar and the children in the house with a hole in the roof by Malina Terkelsen


Alone, Together (Yksin, yhdessä) by Annika Grof
Beatbox, Alternate Take by Jani Ruscica
The Last Elephant (Viimeinen elefantti) by Antti Laakso


Monsieur Hyde by Vera Sölvadóttir


A Tooth for an Eye (Diente por ojo) by Eivind Holmboe
Goyo by Lindsay Sanner
Live Photo II by Crispin Gurholt


At the End of the Street (Na Koncu Ulicy) by Jenifer Malmqvist
Between You and Me (Mellan oss) by Per Hanefjord
Grandma's Secret (Farmors hemlighet) by Lisa Bergström
The Leftovers by Kerstin Übelacker & Michael Cavanagh