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Elina Kivihalme

Finnish Film Foundation

The Unknown Woman

Fault Lines: A Gesar Bard's Tale
Limits of Love
The Little Mouse and Other Drunks
The Wind Catchers
Once I Dreamt of Life
Finnish Wildcard / My Stuff
Lordi - the Monsterboy
Three Angels
Say Sing
Prior to Farewell
Finnish Wildcard / Pizzeria Finlandia
Revolutions Online
Game Plan
Arctic City Spirit
Another World
Years of Growth
My Sister, 2 Spirited
The Salesmen of Happiness
Wildcard Finland / Spandex Sapiens
A Minute Ago We Were Married
Kaisa's Enchanted Forest
Diving into the Unknown
Post-Punk Disorder
Wildcard Finland / My Father from Sirius
Boys Who Like Girls
Tukdam: A Question of Life and Death
Hobbyhorse Sisters
Wildcard Finland / My Plato's Cave
Summer Guards
Coast Clear?

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