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Auto Images AB
Grynbodgatan 14
SE-211 33 Malmö
+46 406 610 160
+46 406 110 161

Lennart Ström, Producer
Magnus Gertten, Director, Producer
Ove Rishøj Jensen, Producer
Ann Lundberg, Director, Producer
Sebastian Claesson
Joakim Polling

Father of the city
A Scent of Chocolate
The Soloist
Get Busy
Rolling Like a Stone
My Uncle Loved the Colour Yellow
Long Distance Love
Ola Svensson Superstar
Harbour of Hope
The Punk Syndrome
Once I Dreamt of Life
A Thousand Pieces
In Dependence
Becoming Zlatan
Punk Voyage
Patriotic Highway
Golden Land
Nelly & Nadine
Touching Freedom
Praying for Armageddon
Some of us Walk in Raggedy Shoes

The Poisoned Heart
A Swedish President in Togo?
A Pure Breed
With Love
Nelly & Nadine
Winners of the War
Some Walk in Broken Shoes
Architecture as Invention

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